

Here is a literature list about the ICU diary (last update October 24th, 2023). We collected more than 150 studies and reviews so far!

Studies and Reviews (ordered in date of publish)

Bergbom I, Svensson C, Berggren E, Kamsula M. (1999): Patients' and relatives' opinions and feelings about diaries kept by nurses in an intensive care unit: pilot study. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. Aug;15(4):185-91.

Rier, D. (2000): The missing voice of the critically ill: a medical sociologist's first-person account. Sociology of Health & Illness, Volume 22, Number 1, January, pp. 68-93(26)

Bäckman CG, Walther SM. (2001): Use of a personal diary written on the ICU during critical illness. Intensive Care Med. Feb;27(2):426-9.

Åkerman, E. (2002): Patient diary and follow up after intensivecare. Patient/patdagbok/akermaneva_eng.htm, last contact on 2.5.08

Jones C, Capuzzo M, Flaatten H, et al. (2006): ICU diaries may reduce symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. Intensive Care Med 32 (Suppl 1): S144.

Egerod I, Schwartz-Nielsen KH, Hansen GM, Laerkner E. (2007): The extent and application of patient diaries in Danish ICUs in 2006. Nurs Crit Care. May-Jun;12(3):159-67.

Roulin MJ, Hurst S, Spirig R. (2007): Diaries written for ICU patients. Qual Health Res. Sep;17(7):893-901.

Storli SL, Lindseth A, Asplund K. (2007): “Being somewhere else” – delusion or relevant experience? A phenomenological investigation into the meaning of lived experience from being in intensive care. International Journal of qualitative studies on health and well being, 2(3), 144-159

Storli SL, Lindseth A, Asplund K. (2008):  A journey in quest of meaning: a hermeneutic-phenomenological study on living with memories from intensive care. Nurs Crit Care. Mar-Apr;13(2):86-96

Robson, W. (2008): An evaluation of patient diaries in intensive care. World of critical care nursing (6) 2: 34-37

Hayes A, Kelly A (2008). patient diaries: can they off psychological help to cancer patients? Cancer Nursing practice 7(6): 25-28.

Kloos JA, Daly BJ. (2008). Effect of a Family-Maintained Progress Journal on anxiety of families of critically ill patients. Crit Care Nurs Q. 31(2):96-107

Knowles RE, Tarrier N. (2009). Evaluation of the effect of prospective patient diaries on emotional well-being in intensive care unit survivors: a randomized controlled trial. Crit Care Med. Jan;37(1):184-91

Engström A, Grip K, Hamrén M. (2009): Experiences of intensive care unit diaries: 'touching a tender wound'. Nurs Crit Care 14(2): 61-7

Storli SL, Lind R. (2009): The meaning of follow-up in intensive care: patients' perspective. Scand J Caring Sci. Mar;23(1):45-56

Egerod I, Christensen D (2009): Analysis of patient diaries in Danish ICUs: a narrative approach. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2009 Oct;25(5):268-77

Greco MM, Florio SD, Romani M, Romigi G Portis L. (2009). L’utilizzo dei “Diari del paziente” in Terapia Intensiva. Scenario 26 (4): 22-27.

Åkerman E, Anetth Granberg-Axéll A, Anders Ersson A, Bengt Fridlund B, Bergbom I (2010): Use and practice of patient diaries in Swedish intensive care units: a national survey. Nursing in Critical Care 15 (1): 26 – 33

Nydahl P, Knück D, Egerod I (2010): The extend and application of patient diaries in German Intensive Care Units. Connect – The World of Critical Care Nursing 7 (2): 122-126

Bäckman CG, Orwelius L, Sjöberg F, Fredrikson M, Walther SM. (2010): Long-term effect of the ICU-diary concept on quality of life after critical illness. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 54(6):736-43

Gjengedal E, Storli SL, Norlemann Holme A, Eskerud RS (2010): An act of caring – patient diaries in Norwegian intensive care units. Nursing in Critical Care 15 (4):176 – 184

Egerod I, Bagger C (2010):  Patients' experiences of intensive care diaries-A focus group study. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. Oct;26(5):278-87

Egerod I, Christensen D. (2010) A Comparative Study of ICU Patient Diaries vs. Hospital Charts. Qualitative Health Research 22(10) 1446–1456.

Knück D, Nydahl P (2010): Einführung des Intensivtagebuches: Erste Erfahrungen sind positiv (German). Pflegen Intensiv 3 (10): 36-40.

Egerod I, Storli SL, Åkerman E. (2011). Intensive care patient diaries in Scandinavia: a comparative study of emergence and evolution. Nurs Inq. Sep;18(3):235-46

Nydahl P, Knück D, Bischoff K, Fritzsch A (2011). Evaluationsstudie Das Tagebuch war eine große Hilfe für mich (German). Pflegen Intensiv 1: 29-34

Egerod I, Christensen D, Schwartz-Nielsen KH, Ågård AS. (2011). Constructing the illness narrative: A grounded theory exploring patients’ and relatives’ use of intensive care diaries. Crit Care Med Vol. 39(9), 1922-8.

Jones C, Bäckman C, Capuzzo M, Egerod I, Flaatten H, Granja C, Rylander C, Griffiths RD; RACHEL group (2010). Intensive care diaries reduce new onset post traumatic stress disorder following critical illness: a randomised, controlled trial. Crit Care 14(5):R168. Epub 2010 Sep 15.

Garrouste-Orgeas M, Coquet I, Perier A, Timsit JF, Pochard F, Lancrin F, Philippart F, Vesin A, Bruel C, Blel Y, Angeli S, Cousin N, Carlet J, Misset B. Impact of an intensive care unit diary on psychological distress in patients and relatives Crit Care Med. 2012 Jul;40(7):2033-40.

Jones, C, Bäckman C, Griffith C. (2012). Intensive Care diaries reduce PTSD-related symptoms in relatives following critical illness. Am J Crit Care 21 (3): 172-6.

Greco MM, Portis L, Galizio M (2012). Attitudini e percezioni del personale sanitario nell’utilizzo dei Diari di Terapia Intensiva. Scenario 29 (2): 12-18.

Akerman E, Ersson A, Fridlund B, Samuelson K. Preferred content and usefulness of a photodiary as described by ICU-patients-A mixed method analysis. Aust Crit Care. 2013 Feb;26(1):29-35.

Perier A, Revah-Levy A, Bruel C, Cousin N, Angeli S, Brochon S, Philippart F, Max A, Gregoire C, Misset B, Garrouste-Orgeas M (2013). Phenomenological analysis of healthcare worker perceptions of intensive care unit diaries. Crit Care. 2013 Jan 21;17(1):R13

Egerod I, Risom SS, Thomsen T, Storli SL, Eskerud RS, Holme AN, Samuelson KA. ICU-recovery in Scandinavia: A comparative study of intensive care follow-up in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2013. In press.

Ewens B, Chapman R, Tulloch A, Hendricks JM. ICU survivors' utilisation of diaries post discharge: A qualitative descriptive study. Aust Crit Care. 2014 Feb;27(1):28-35.

Nydahl P, Bäckman CG, Bereuther J, Thelen M (2014). How much time do nurses need to write an ICU diary? Nursing in Critical Care, 19(5):222-7.19(5):222-7.

Aitken LM, Rattray J, Hull A, Kenardy JA, Le Brocque R, Ullman AJ. The use of diaries in psychological recovery from intensive care. Crit Care. 2013 Dec 18;17(6):253

Di Gangi S, Naretto G, Cravero N, Livigni S.A narrative-based study on communication by family members in intensive care unit. J Crit Care. 2013 Aug;28(4):483-9.

Garrouste-Orgeas M, Périer A, Mouricou P, Grégoire C, Bruel C, Brochon S, Philippart F, Max A, Misset B. Writing in and reading ICU diaries: qualitative study of families' experience in the ICU. PLoS One. 2014 Oct 16;9(10):e110146.

Nair R, Mitchell M, Keogh S. The extent and application of patient diaries in Australian intensive care units: A national survey. Australian Critical Care. in press

Nydahl P, Knueck D, Egerod I (2015). Extent and application of ICU diaries in Germany in 2014. Nursing in Critical Care. 20(3):155-62.

Groß, C. (2014). Diaries on intensive care units. The view of the nurses (German: Patiententagebücher auf Intensivstation. Eine Betrachtung aus Sicht der Pflegenden. In: Schiff, A. (Hg.) Familien in kritischen Situationen der klinischen Pflege. Opladen: Barbara Budrich. 165-186.)

Ullman AJ, Aitken LM, Rattray J, Kenardy J, Le Brocque R, MacGillivray S, Hull AM. Diaries for recovery from critical illness. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014 Dec 9;12:CD010468

Johansson M, Hanson E, Runeson I, Wåhlin I. Family members' experiences of keeping a diary during a sick relative's stay in the intensive care unit: A hermeneutic interview study. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2015 Mar 5.

Engström Å, Rogmalm K, Marklund L, Wälivaara BM. Follow-up visit in an ICU: receiving a sense of coherence. Nurs Crit Care. 2015 Feb 18. doi: 10.1111/nicc.12168.

Christensen M, Probst B. Barbara's story: a thematic analysis of a relative's reflection of being in the intensive care unit. Nurs Crit Care. 2015 Mar;20(2):63-70.

Ewens BA, Hendricks JM, Sundin D. The use, prevalence and potential benefits of a diary as a therapeutic intervention/tool to aid recovery following critical illness in intensive care: a literature review. J Clin Nurs. 2015 May;24(9-10):1406-25.

Lichtenberger, D. (2015). Erfolgreich konzipieren und implementieren (German: succesful designing and implementation). Intensiv 23 (3): 140-143.

Ullman AJ, Aitken LM, Rattray J, Kenardy J, Le Brocque R, MacGillivray S, Hull AM. (2015) Intensive care diaries to promote recovery for patients and families after critical illness: A Cochrane Systematic Review. Int J Nurs Stud., in press

Heindl P, Bachlechner A (2015). Coping mit dem Intensivtagebuch (German: Coping by an ICU diary). QuPuG 1(2): 92-100.

Glimelius Petersson C, Ringdal M, Apelqvist G, Bergbom I. Diaries and memories following an ICU stay: a 2-month follow-up study. Nurs Crit Care. 2015 May 25. doi: 10.1111/nicc.12162.

Nielsen AH, Angel S. How diaries written for critically ill influence the relatives: a systematic review of the literature. Nursing in Critical Care 2015, doi: 10.1111/nicc.12158

Nielsen AH, Angel S. Relatives perception of writing diaries for critically ill. A phenomenological hermeneutical study. Nursing in Critical Care 2015, doi: 10.1111/nicc.12147

Fukuda T, Inoue T, Kinoshita Y, Yukawa T. Effectiveness of ICU Diaries: Improving “Distorted Memories” Encountered during ICU Admission. Open Journal of Nursing 2015, 5, 313-324.

Stayt LC, Seers K, Tutton L. Making sense of it: intensive care patients' phenomenological accounts of story construction. Nurs Crit Care. 2015 Nov 9. doi: 10.1111/nicc.12224.

Nielsen AH, Angel S. (2016). How diaries written for critically ill influence the relatives: a systematic review of the literature. Nursing in Critical Care.

Beg M, Scruth E, Liu V. Developing a framework for implementing intensive care unit diaries: a focused review of the literature. Aust Crit Care. 2016 Nov;29(4):224-234.

Locke M, Eccleston S, Ryan CN, Byrnes TJ, Mount C, McCarthy MS. Developing a Diary Program to Minimize Patient and Family Post-Intensive Care Syndrome. AACN Adv Crit Care. 2016 Apr-Jun;27(2):212-20.

O'Gara G, Pattison N. A qualitative exploration into the long-term perspectives of patients receiving critical care diaries across the United Kingdom. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2016 Jun 7

Hester M, Ingalls NK, Hatzfeld JJ. Perceptions of ICU Diary Utility and Feasibility in a Combat ICU. Mil Med. 2016 Aug;181(8):895-9.

Nielsen AH, Angel S. Consolation or confrontation when interacting through an ICU diary - A phenomenological-hermeneutical study. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2016 Aug 10

Heindl P, Bachlechner A, Nydahl P, Egerod I. Extent and application of patient diaries in Austria: process of continuing adaptation. Nurs Crit Care. 2016 Sep 21.

Blair KTA, BA, Eccleston SD, Binder HM, McCarthy MS. Improving the Patient Experience by Implementing an ICU Diary for Those at Risk of Post-intensive Care Syndrome. Journal of Patient Experience. Journal of Patient Experience 2017, Feb. doi 10.1177/2374373517692927

Teece A, Baker J. Thematic Analysis: How do patient diaries affect survivors' psychological recovery? Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2017 Mar 28. pii: S0964-3397(16)30135-5.

Ednell AK, Siljegren S, Engström Å. The ICU patient diary-A nursing intervention that is complicated in its simplicity: A qualitative study. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2017 Feb 20

Aitken LM, Rattray J, Kenardy J, Hull AM, Ullman AJ, Le Brocque R, Mitchell M, Davis C, Castillo MI, Macfarlane B. Perspectives of patients and family members regarding psychological support using intensive care diaries: An exploratory mixed methods study. J Crit Care. 2017 Apr;38:263-268

Johansson M, Wåhlin I, Magnusson L, Runeson I, Hanson E. Family members' experiences with intensive care unit diaries when the patient does not survive. Scand J Caring Sci. 2017 May 19. doi: 10.1111/scs.12454

Scruth EA, Oveisi N, Liu V. Innovation and Technology: Electronic Intensive Care Unit Diaries. AACN Adv Crit Care. 2017 Summer;28(2):191-199.

Huynh TG, Covalesky M, Sinclair S, Gunter H, Norton T, Chen A, Yi C. Measuring Outcomes of an Intensive Care Unit Family Diary Program. AACN Adv Crit Care. 2017 Summer;28(2):179-190

Laxton, L. (2017). Implementing the ICU diary in the medical intensive care unit. SIS Quarterly Practice Connections, 2(2), 19–20.

Egerod I, Andersson AE, Fagerdahl AM, Knudsen VE. Images of suffering depicted in diaries of family caregivers in the acute stage of necrotising soft tissue infection: A content analysis. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2017 Aug;41:57-62.

Mikkelsen G. The meaning of personal diaries to children and families in the paediatric intensive care unit: A qualitative study. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2017 Nov 25

Garrouste-Orgeas M, Flahault C, Fasse L, Ruckly S, Amdjar-Badidi N, Argaud L, Badie J, Bazire A, Bige N, Boulet E, Bouadma L, Bretonnière C, Floccard B, Gaffinel A, de Forceville X, Grand H, Halidfar R, Hamzaoui O, Jourdain M, Jost PH, Kipnis E, Large A, Lautrette A, Lesieur O, Maxime V, Mercier E, Mira JP, Monseau Y, Parmentier-Decrucq E, Rigaud JP, Rouget A, Santoli F, Simon G, Tamion F, Thieulot-Rolin N, Thirion M, Valade S, Vinatier I, Vioulac C, Bailly S, Timsit JF. The ICU-Diary study: prospective, multicenter comparative study of the impact of an ICU diary on the wellbeing of patients and families in French ICUs. Trials. 2017 Nov 15;18(1):542

Schoeman T, Sundararajan K, Micik S, Sarada P, Edwards S, Poole A, Chapman M. The impact on new-onset stress and PTSD in relatives of critically ill patients explored by diaries study (The "INSPIRED" study). Aust Crit Care. 2017 Dec 15.

Strandberg S, Vesterlund L, Engström Å. The contents of a patient diary and its significance for persons cared for in an ICU: A qualitative study. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2017 Dec 30.

Mikkelsen G. The meaning of personal diaries to children and families in the paediatric intensive care unit: A qualitative study. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2018 Apr;45:25-30.

Strandberg S, Vesterlund L, Engström Å. The contents of a patient diary and its significance for persons cared for in an ICU: A qualitative study. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2018 Apr;45:31-36

Moi AL, Storli SL, Gjengedal E, Holme AN, Lind R, Eskerud R, Fenstad AM, Kvåle R, Halvorsen K. The provision of nurse-led follow-up at Norwegian intensive care units. J Clin Nurs. 2018 Apr 6.

Scruth EA. Intensive Care Unit Diaries: The Importance of Exploring the Literature Before Implementation. Clin Nurse Spec. 2018 Mar/Apr;32(2):59-61

Palombi di M, Boi S, Little A, Matarese M. The effectiveness of the patient's diary for the reduction of psychological disorders related to admission to intensive care. Systematic review of the literature. (Italian: L'efficacia del diario del paziente per la riduzione dei disturbi psicologici correlati al ricovero in terapia intensiva. Revisione sistematica della letteratura.) FNOPI 1 (2018).

Åkerman E. Intensive Care Unit diaries: A critical appraisal. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2018 Aug;47:5-6

Ewens BA, Hendricks JM, Sundin D. Surviving ICU: Stories of recovery. J Adv Nurs. 2018 Jul;74(7):1554-1563

Nydahl P, Fischill M, Deffner T, Neudeck V, Heindl P. [Diaries for intensive care unit patients reduce the risk for psychological sequelae : Systematic literature review and meta-analysis]. Med Klin Intensivmed Notfmed. 2018 Jul 11.

Kredentser MS, Blouw M, Marten N, Sareen J, Bienvenu OJ, Ryu J, Beatie BE, Logsetty S, Graff LA, Eggertson S, Sweatman S, Debroni B, Cianflone N, Arora RC, Zarychanski R, Olafson K. Preventing Posttraumatic Stress in ICU Survivors: A Single-Center Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of ICU Diaries and Psychoeducation. Crit Care Med. 2018 Aug 16.

Nielsen AH, Angel S, Egerod I, Hansen TB. The effect of diaries written by relatives for intensive care patients on posttraumatic stress (DRIP study): protocol for a randomized controlled trial and mixed methods study. BMC Nurs. 2018 Aug 16;17:37.

Kennemar L. How ICU diaries can help patients and families. ICU Management & Practice 2018 (6).

Levine SA, Reilly KM, Nedder MM, Avery KR. The Patient's Perspective of the Intensive Care Unit Diary in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit. Crit Care Nurse. 2018 Aug;38(4):28-36

Åkerman E, Langius-Eklöf A. The impact of follow-up visits and diaries on patient outcome after discharge from intensive care: A descriptive and explorative study. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2018 Sep 18.

Ascough L, Morrell-Scott N. An audit of completion of diaries for rehabilitation in an intensive care unit. Br J Nurs. 2018 Oct 4;27(18):1054-1058

Druckenthaner M, Heindl P. (German) Application of ICU‐diaries by nurses of two Viennese Intensive Care Units – a quantitative document analysis. Klinische Pflegeforschung 2018, 4: 27‐38

Ullman A, Kenardy J. Remembering the Unforgettable: Trialing ICU Diaries in North America. Crit Care Med. 2018 Dec;46(12):2048-2050

McIlroy PA, King RS, Garrouste-Orgeas M, Tabah A, Ramanan M. The Effect of ICU Diaries on Psychological Outcomes and Quality of Life of Survivors of Critical Illness and Their Relatives: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Crit Care Med. 2018 Nov 13

Pattison N, O'Gara G, Lucas C, Gull K, Thomas K, Dolan S. Filling the gaps: A mixed-methods study exploring the use of patient diaries in the critical care unit. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2018 Dec 18

Herrup EA, Wieczorek B, Kudchadkar SR. Feasibility and Perceptions of PICU Diaries. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2018 Nov 16.

Johansson M, Wåhlin I, Magnusson L, Hanson E. Nursing staff's experiences of intensive care unit diaries: a qualitative study. Nurs Crit Care. 2019 Jan 24.

Nielsen AH, Egerod I, Hansen TB, Angel S. Intensive care unit diaries: Developing a shared story strengthens relationships between critically ill patients and their relatives: A hermeneutic-phenomenological study. Int J Nurs Stud. 2019 Jan 26;92:90-96

Nielsen AH, Angel S, Egerod I, Lund TH, Renberg M, Hansen TB. The effect of family-authored diaries on posttraumatic stress disorder in intensive care unit patients and their relatives: A randomised controlled trial (DRIP-study). Aust Crit Care. 2019 Feb 19

Garrouste-Orgeas M, Flahault C, Vinatier I, Rigaud JP, Thieulot-Rolin N, Mercier E, Rouget A, Grand H, Lesieur O, Tamion F, Hamidfar R, Renault A, Parmentier-Decrucq E, Monseau Y, Argaud L, Bretonnière C, Lautrette A, Badié J, Boulet E, Floccard B, Forceville X, Kipnis E, Soufir L, Valade S, Bige N, Gaffinel A, Hamzaoui O, Simon G, Thirion M, Bouadma L, Large A, Mira JP, Amdjar-Badidi N, Jourdain M, Jost PH, Maxime V, Santoli F, Ruckly S, Vioulac C, Leborgne MA, Bellalou L, Fasse L, Misset B, Bailly S, Timsit JF. Effect of an ICU Diary on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms Among Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilation: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2019 Jul 16;322(3):229-239

Lynch F, Endacott R, Latour JM. Patient diaries: Survey of paediatric intensive care units in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Nurs Crit Care. 2019 Oct 4

Ascough L, Morrell-Scott N. An audit of completion of diaries for rehabilitation in an intensive care unit. Br J Nurs. 2018 Oct 4;27(18):1054-1058

Barreto BB, Luz M, Rios MNO, Lopes AA, Gusmao-Flores D. The impact of intensive care unit diaries on patients' and relatives' outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Crit Care. 2019 Dec 16;23(1):411

Costa VA, Padfield O, Elliott S, Hayden, P. (2019). Improving patient diary use in intensive care: A quality improvement report. Journal of the Intensive Care Society. 1-7.

Kredentser M, Olafson K, Sareen J. Use of an ICU Diary and Patient Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms. JAMA. 2019 Nov 26;322(20):2025

Garrouste-Orgeas M, Bailly S, Timsit JF. Use of an ICU Diary and Patient Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms-Reply. JAMA. 2019 Nov 26;322(20):2025-2026

Tavares T, Camões J, Carvalho DR, Jacinto R, Vales CM, Gomes E. Assessment of patient satisfaction and preferences with an intensive care diary. Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2019 May 23;31(2):164-170

Holme AN, Halvorsen K, Eskerud RS, Lind R, Storli SL, Gjengedal E, Moi AL. Nurses' experiences of ICU diaries following implementation of national recommendations for diaries in intensive care units: A quality improvement project. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2020 Mar 5:102828

Castillo MI, Mitchell M, Davis C, Powell M, Le Brocque R, Ullman A, Wetzig K, Rattray J, Hull AM, Kenardy J, Aitken LM. Feasibility and acceptability of conducting a partially randomised controlled trial examining interventions to improve psychological health after discharge from the intensive care unit. Aust Crit Care. 2020 Feb 26

Wang S, Xin HN, Chung Lim Vico C, Liao JH, Li SL, Xie NM, Hu RF. Effect of an ICU diary on psychiatric disorders, quality of life, and sleep quality among adult cardiac surgical ICU survivors: a randomized controlled trial. Crit Care. 2020 Mar 6;24(1):81

Melby, A.C., Litler Moi, A., Gjengedal, E., 2020. The experiences of bereaved relatives on receiving the intensive care diaries of their loved ones. Nor. J. Clin. Nursing/ Sykepleien Forsk 15, 1–17.

Üzar-Özçetin YS, Trenoweth S, Clark LL, Hext G, Tee S. Could therapeutic diaries support recovery in psychiatric intensivecare? British Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 2020.

Torres L, Nelson F, West G. Original Research: Exploring the Effects of a Nurse-Initiated Diary Intervention on Post-Critical Care Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Am J Nurs. 2020;120(5):24-33. doi:10.1097/01.NAJ.0000662804.81454.66

Drumright K, Jones AC, Gervasio R, Hill C, Russell M, Boehm LM. Implementation of an Intensive Care Unit Diary Program at a Veterans Affairs Hospital. J Nurs Care Qual. 2020 Aug 18.

Sayde GE, Stefanescu A, Conrad E, Nielsen N, Hammer R. Implementing an intensive care unit (ICU) diary program at a large academic medical center: Results from a randomized control trial evaluating psychological morbidity associated with critical illness. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2020 Jul 2;66:96-102

Tripathy S, Acharya SP, Sahoo AK, Mitra JK, Goel K, Ahmad SR, Hansdah U. Intensive care unit (ICU) diaries and the experiences of patients' families: a grounded theory approach in a lower middle-income country (LMIC). J Patient Rep Outcomes. 2020 Jul 23;4(1):63

Nakashima H, Gallegos C. Journal Writing by Families of Critically Ill Patients: An Integrative Review. Crit Care Nurse. 2020 Oct 1;40(5):26-37.

Mickelson RS, Piras SE, Brown L, Carlile C, Drumright KS, Boehm L. The use and usefulness of ICU diaries to support family members of critically ill patients. J Crit Care. 2020 Oct 22;61:168-176

Nielsen AH, Angel S, Egerod I. Effect of relatives' intensive care unit diaries on post traumatic stress in patients and relatives (DRIP-study): A mixed methods study. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2020 Oct 30:102951

Nydahl P, Egerod I, Hosey MM, Needham DM, Jones C, Bienvenu OJJ. Report on the Third International Intensive Care Unit Diary Conference. Crit Care Nurse. 2020 Oct 1;40(5):e18-e25

Rogan J, Zielke M, Drumright K, Boehm LM. Institutional Challenges and Solutions to Evidence-Based, Patient-Centered Practice: Implementing ICU Diaries. Crit Care Nurse. 2020 Oct 1;40(5):47-56

Yoo HJ, Shim J. The Effect of a Multifaceted Family Participation Program in an Adult Cardiovascular Surgery ICU. Crit Care Med. 2020 Nov 11

McCartney E. Intensive Care Unit Patient Diaries: A Review Evaluating Implementation and Feasibility. Crit Care Nurs Clin North Am. 2020

Floris L, Madeddu A, Deiana V, Pasero D, Terragni P. The use of the ICU diary during the COVID-19 pandemic as a tool to enhance critically ill patient recovery. Minerva Anestesiol. 2021 Jan 12

Nydahl P, Deffner T. Use of Diaries in Intensive Care Unit Delirium Patients: German Nursing Perspectives. Crit Care Nurs Clin North Am. 2021 Mar;33(1):37-46

Brandao Barreto B, Luz M, Alves Valente do Amaral Lopes S, Goulart Rosa R, Gusmao-Flores D. Exploring Patients' Perceptions on ICU Diaries: A Systematic Review and Qualitative Data Synthesis. Crit Care Med. 2021 Apr 5. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000005019

Schofield R, Dibb B, Coles-Gale R, Jones CJ. The experience of relatives using intensive care diaries: A systematic review and qualitative synthesis. Int J Nurs Stud. 2021 Mar 19;119:103927

Sansone V, Dall'Oglio I, Gesualdo F, Cancani F, Cecchetti C, Di Nardo M, Rossi A, De Ranieri C, Alvaro R, Tiozzo E, Gawronski O. Narrative diaries in pediatrics: A scoping review. J Pediatr Nurs. 2021 Feb 20:S0882-5963(21)00047-6. doi: 10.1016/j.pedn.2021.02.006

Brandao Barreto B, Luz M, do Amaral Lopes SAV, Rosa RG, Gusmao-Flores D. Exploring family members' and health care professionals' perceptions on ICU diaries: a systematic review and qualitative data synthesis. Intensive Care Med. 2021 Jun 12. doi: 10.1007/s00134-021-06443-w

Sun X, Huang D, Zeng F, Ye Q, Xiao H, Lv D, Zhao P, Cui X. Effect of intensive care unit diary on incidence of posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and depression of adult intensive care unit survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Adv Nurs. 2021 Jul;77(7):2929-2941

Alexandersen I, Haugdahl HS, Stjern B, Paulsby TE, Lund SB, Haugan G. 'I want to get back!' A qualitative study of long-term critically ill patients' inner strength and willpower: Back home after long-term intensive care. J Clin Nurs. 2021 May 20. doi: 10.1111/jocn.15812

Flahault C, Trosdorf M, Sonrier M, Vioulac C, Fasse L, Timsit JF, Bailly S, Garrouste-Orgeas M. ICU Survivors Experience of ICU Diaries: An Ancillary Qualitative Analysis of the ICU Diary Study. Crit Care Explor. 2021 May 14;3(5):e0384

Iannuzzi L, Villa S, Vimercati S, Villa M, Pisetti CF, Viganò G, Fumagalli R, Rona R, Lucchini A. Use of Intensive Care Unit Diary as an Integrated Tool in an Italian General Intensive Care Unit: A Mixed-Methods Pilot Study. Dimens Crit Care Nurs. 2021 Jul-Aug 01;40(4):248-256

Negro A, Villa G, Zangrillo A, Rosa D, Manara DF. Diaries in intensive care units: An Italian qualitative study. Nurs Crit Care. 2021 May 30. doi: 10.1111/nicc.12668

Hofbauer JM, Dieplinger AM, Nydahl P. The meaning of NICU-Diaries to parents of premature children in the neonatal intensive care unit: Trust that everything will be fine. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 2021,

Sansone V, Cancani F, Gagliardi C, Satta T, Cecchetti C, de Ranieri C, Di Nardo M, Rossi A, Dall'Oglio I, Alvaro R, Tiozzo E, Gawronski O. Narrative diaries in the paediatric intensive care unit: A thematic analysis. Nurs Crit Care. 2021 Jul 13. doi: 10.1111/nicc.12680

Galazzi A, Adamini I, Bazzano G, Cancelli L, Fridh I, Laquintana D, Lusignani M, Rasero L. Intensive care unit diaries to help bereaved family members in their grieving process: a systematic review. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2021 Aug 6:103121

Haruna J, Tatsumi H, Kazuma S, Kuroda H, Goto Y, Aisaka W, Terada H, Masuda Y. Using an ICU Diary to Communicate With Family Members of COVID-19 Patients in ICU: A Case Report. J Patient Exp. 2021 Jul 28;8:23743735211034094

Wang SH, Owens T, Johnson A, Duffy EA. Evaluating the Feasibility and Efficacy of a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Diary. Crit Care Nurs Q. 2022 Jan-Mar 01;45(1):88-97

Zisopoulos G, Triliva S, Roussi P. Processing Intensive Care Unit Treatment Experiences: A Thematic Analysis of a Diary Intervention. Qual Health Res. 2021 Dec 2:10497323211055459.

Melby, A.C., Litler Moi, A., Gjengedal, E., 2020. The experiences of bereaved relatives on receiving the intensive care diaries of their loved ones. Nor. J. Clin. Nursing/ Sykepleien Forsk 15, 1–17.

Flahault C, Vioulac C, Fasse L, Bailly S, Timsit JF, Garrouste-Orgeas M. "A story with gaps": An interpretative phenomenological analysis of ICU survivors' experience. PLoS One. 2022 Mar 3;17(3):e0264310. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0264310.

Haakma T, Tieben R, Sleven B, Buise M, van Mol M. Experiences of nurses with an innovative digital diary intervention in the intensive care unit: A qualitative exploration. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2022 Jan 25:103197. doi: 10.1016/j.iccn.2022.103197.

Gawronski O, Sansone V, Cancani F, Di Nardo M, Rossi A, Gagliardi C, De Ranieri C, Satta T, Dall'Oglio I, Tiozzo E, Alvaro R, Raponi M, Cecchetti C. Implementation of paediatric intensive care unit diaries: Feasibility and opinions of parents and healthcare providers. Aust Crit Care. 2022 Mar 16:S1036-7314(22)00012-1

Rice RN, Qualls BW, Carey MG. Use of Diaries for Family Members of Intensive Care Unit Patients to Reduce Long-Term PTSD: A Pilot Study. J Patient Exp. 2022 Jun 3;9:23743735221105681

Eklind S, Olby K, Akerman E. The Intensive Care Unit diary — A significant complement in the recovery after intensive care. A focus group study. Intens Crit Care Nur 2022, in press

Nishimura M, Toyama M, Mori H, Sano M, Imura H, Kuriyama A, Nakayama T. Providing End-of-Life Care for Dying COVID-19 Patients and their Families in Isolated Death during the Pandemic in Japan: The PRECA-C Project. Chest. 2022 Oct 15:S0012-3692(22)03998-8

Maagaard Cam Laerkner E. Writing a Diary for “You” - Intensive care nurses' narrative practices in diaries for patients: A qualitative study. International Journal of Nursing Studies 136 (2022) 104363

Gazzato A, The Effect of Intensive Care Unit Diaries on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Anxiety, and Depression. Dimens Crit Care Nurs. 2022 Sep-Oct;41(5):256-263

Tripathy S, Acharya SP, Sahoo AK, Hansda U, Mitra JK, Goel K, Ahmad SR, Kar N. Timing of Exposure to ICU Diaries and Its Impact on Mental Health, Memories, and Quality of Life: A Double-Blind Randomized Control Trial. Crit Care Explor. 2022 Jul 29;4(8):e0742

Taittonen L, Pärus M, Lahtinen M, Ahola J, Bartocci M. Usefulness of the Parental Electronic Diary During Medical Rounds in a NICU. J Perinat Neonatal Nurs. 2022 Jul-Sep 01;36(3):E7-E12

Krotsetis, S., Deffner, TM. & Nydahl, P. Das Intensivtagebuch – ein kommunikativer Brückenschlag. Med Klin Intensivmed Notfmed (2022).

Sansone V, Cancani F, Cecchetti C, Rossi A, Gagliardi C, Di Nardo M, Satta T, De Ranieri C, Dall'Oglio I, Tiozzo E, Gawronski O. Staff perception of the implementation, enablers and barriers to pediatric intensive care unit diary writing: A qualitative study. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2022 Dec 7:103351

Low SZQ, Kirk A, Mok YH, Lee JH. The Use and Impact of Diaries in PICUs and Neonatal ICUs: A Scoping Review. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2023 Feb 1;24(2):e84-e90

Johnson KR, Temeyer JP, Schulte PJ, Nydahl P, Philbrick KL, Karnatovskaia LV. Aloud real- time reading of intensive care unit diaries: A feasibility study. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2023 Jan 25;76:103400

Galazzi A, Bruno M, Binda F, Caddeo G, Chierichetti M, Roselli P, Grasselli G, Laquintana D. Thematic analysis of intensive care unit diaries kept by staff: insights for caring. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2023 Jan 24;76:103392

Högvall LM, Egerod I, Herling SF, Rustøen T, Berntzen H. Finding the right words: A focus group investigation of nurses' experiences of writing diaries for intensive care patients with a poor prognosis. Aust Crit Care. 2023 Mar 16:S1036-7314(23)00029-2. doi: 10.1016/j.aucc.2023.02.002

López-Fernández E, Oviedo-Melgares L, Ordoñez-Sáez O, Belda-Hofheinz S, Ramos-Casado MV. Feasibility and acceptance of ICU diaries adapted to paediatric patients. A new tool against family post-intensive care syndrome? An Pediatr (Engl Ed). 2023 Apr;98(4):308-310

Willmeroth T. Nurses' and Parents' View on Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Diaries: A Qualitative Study and Framework Conceptualization. Am J Perinatol. 2023 May 19. doi: 10.1055/s-0043-1768959

Hu D, Ji X, Li Y, Liang Y, Chen J. Effect of intensive care unit diary on quality of life of intensive care unit survivors and their relatives: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Nurs Open. 2023 May 31. doi: 10.1002/nop2.1819

Bosco V, Froio A, Mercuri C, Sansone V, Garofalo E, Bruni A, Guillari A, Bruno D, Talarico M, Mastrangelo H, Longhini F, Doldo P, Simeone S. The Impact of an Intensive Care Diary on the Psychological Well-Being of Patients and Their Family Members: Longitudinal Study Protocol. Healthcare (Basel). 2023 Sep 19;11(18):2583

Cornelius T, Mendieta M, Cumella RM, Lopez Veneros D, Tincher IM, Agarwal S, Kronish I. Family-authored ICU diaries to reduce fear in patients experiencing a cardiac arrest (FAID fear): A pilot randomized controlled trial. PLoS One. 2023 Jul 27;18(7):e0288436.

Posters & Abstracts

Bäckman C, Johanson E, Walther SM: The intensive care diary can help the critically ill to cope with temporary memory loss and unpleasant recall. ESICM-meeting in Stockholm 1998

Jones C, Capuzzo M, Flaatten H, Backman C, Rylander C, Griffiths RD (2009). INTENSIVE CARE DIARIES MAY REDUCE LATER SYMPTOMS OF POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER. ESICM Annual Congress, Barcelona, Spain 24-27 September 2006

Nydahl P, Knück D. Research about the ICU-diary in Germany. 5th international congress of the German sepsis society in Weimar Sept. 7-11 2011

Treusacher L, Ansorge A, Dingwerth T, Papesch I, Orlikowsky T. EINFÜHRUNG EINES INTENSIVTAGEBUCHES BEI FRÜHGEBORENEN < 31. SSW (GERMAN). 37. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Neonatologie und Pädiatrische Intensivmedizin am 26. - 28. Mai 2011 im Congress Center Rosengarten in Mannheim.

Tung HT, Nordin N, Edginton T, Vizcaychipi M. (2015). Objective analysis of patient diaries used in an intensive care unit (ICU) in a London teaching hospital. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental 3(Suppl 1):A719

Cabon S, Debue AS, Charpentier J, Asselie N, Brunie C, Ericher N, Grcia J, Gidel L, Lanclas H, Pileyre A, Mira JP, Pene F. (2015). Caregivers perception of the implementation of an ICU diary. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental 3(Suppl 1):A653

Egerod I, Andersson AE, Fagerdahl A-M, Knudsen V. Experience of necrotizing soft tissue infection in the acute stage: content analysis of diaries written by close family in Denmark and Sweden (p-infect, family). Intensive Care Medicine Experimental 2016, 4(Suppl 1):A107

Aitken LM, Rattray J, Kenardy J, Hull AM, Ullman A, Le Broque R, Mitchell M, Davis C, Macfarlane B. Similarities and differences in patients' and relatives' views of information provision after ICU. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental 2016, 4(Suppl 1):A810

McCarthy, Mary; Mount, Cristin; Eccleston, Sarah: IMPROVING THE POST-INTENSIVE CARE SYNDROME PATIENT EXPERIENCE WITH AN ICU DIARY PROGRAM. Crit Care Med 2016 44 (12): 827

Nedder, Melanie; Ryan-Avery, Kathleen; Reilly, Karen; Levine, Sharon. The Patient's Perspective of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Diary in the Cardiac ICU. AACN National Teaching Institute in Houston, Texas, May 22-25, 2017

Van Mol M, Haakma T, Sleven B, Buise M. An exploration of nurses experiences with a digital diary in the adult intensive care unit. Nursing in Critical Care 2021 (26) S1: 12-13

Di Ruscio C., Bigiarini B., De Luca A., Bucciardini L., Meucci B. Care and Caring. (Poster). Times and Tools of Connection in the Critical Care Area. The Diary. (2023) Link


Easton, S. (2006): Patient diary guidelines. Sussex Critical Care Network.

Egerod, I. (2008). Klinisk vejledning for patientdagbøger i intensivafdelingen (Clinical guideline for patient diaries in ICU). UCSF, Copenhagen

Storli SL, Eskerud RS, Gjengedal E, Holme AN, Synnevåg H (2011). Nasjonale anbefalinger for bruk av dagbok til pasienter ved norske intensivavdelinger (pdf) (National guidelines for the use of patient diaries in Norwegian Intensive Care Units).

Articles or related studies

Letter: Nielsen, A. H., Via-Clavero, G., Heras-la Calle, G., & Nydahl, P. (2023. Diaries for dying patients: An outlet for staff members' grief or a powerful way to humanize the intensive care unit? Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 103417.

Schou, I, Nordvik M, Torseth AM, Fet U, Thon I, Mokkelgard M (1993): Dagbok til intensive patienter [Diary for the intensive care patients]. Nye Fagoscopet 4, 7-10

Bäckman CG (1998). Dagbok fran en intensivvardsavdelning. Landstingsvärlden 33: 16-17

Bäckman CG, Walther, SM. (1999). Kritisk tid pa intensiven dokumenteras i dagbook. Läkartidningen: 96 (5): 468-470

Storli, S. L. 2001, "Dagbok og oppfølgningssamtale som kilder til forståelse av intensivtid," in Sykepleie. Praksis og utvikling, E. Gjengedal & R. Jakobsen, eds., Cappelen Akademisk Forlag, Oslo, pp. 394-405.

Griffith RD, Jones C (2001): Filling the intensive care memory gap? Intensive Care Med 27: 344-346

Douglas SL, Daly BJ, Gordon N & Brennan PF (2002) Survival and quality of life: Short-term versus long-term ventilator patients, Critical Care Medicine 30 (12): 2655-2662

Backman, C. G. 2002, "Patient diaries in ICU," in Intensive Care Aftercare, R. D. Griffiths & C. Jones, eds., Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, pp. 125-129.

Strahan E; McCormick J; Uprichard E; Nixon S; Lavery G (2003): Immediate follow-up after ICU discharge: establishment of a service and initial experiences. Nursing in Critical Care, Mar-Apr; 8 (2): 49-55

Storli, S.; Lind, R.; Viotti, I. (2003): Using diaries in intensive care: a method for following up patients. Connect: the world of critical care 2 (4): 103-108.

Combe D. (2005): The use of patient diaries in an intensive care unit. Nurs Crit Care. 2005 Jan-Feb;10(1):31-4

Bagger C (2006): Diary for critically ill patients [Danish]. Sygeplejersken / Danish Journal of Nursing, Dec 15; 106 (25-26): 62-5

Roulin M; Spirig R (2006): Developing a care program to better know the chronically critically ill. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, Dec; 22 (6): 355-61

Alfheim HB; Wheeler M (2007): Psychological consequences of critical illness: what is the long term impact on patients and how can nurses help? CONNECT: The World of Critical Care Nursing; 5 (4): 89-95

Griffith, RD; Jones, C. (2007): Seven lessons from 20 years of follow-up of intensive care unit survivors. Curr Opin Crit Care 13: 508-513

Roulin MJ (2007): journal de bord à l'intention des patients. Diary for intensive care patients. [french]  oxymage n°92- janvier/février 200: 10-12

Kloos JA; Daly BJ (2008): Effect of a family-maintained progress journal on anxiety of families of critically ill patients. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly, Apr-Jun; 31 (2): 96-109

Sawyer J; Wright FC; Moura SL; Maier B; Fitch MI (2008): Introducing a patient-focused care map in colorectal surgery: a pilot qualitative study of patients' and surgical oncology nurses' experiences. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, Winter; 18 (1): 25-8, 33

Roulin MJ (2008): Le journal de bordpour les patients des soins intensifs. Diary for intensive care patients. [french] Krankenpflege Soins infirmiers 12: 47-49

Knück, D.; Nydahl, P. (2008): Das Intensivtagebuch in Deutschland. [German] Intensiv 5 (16): 249-255

Bagger, C.; Knück, D.; Nydahl, P.(2009): Intensivtagebuch – Brücke zur Erinnerung. [German] Die Schwester Der Pfleger 1 (48): 40-44

Querques J. (2009): Can reading a diary improve psychological outcomes in the intensive care unit? Crit Care Med. Jan;37(1):356-7

Jones, C. (2009): Commentary: Knowles RE, Tarrier N (2009). Evaluation of the effect of prospective patient diaries on emotional well-being in intensive care unit survivors: a randomized control trial. Nursing in Critical Care,14 No 3

Nydahl, P; Knück, D. (2009): Intensivtagebuch – von der Idee zur Praxis. Pflegen Intensiv 3: 16-22

Samuelson KAM, Corrigan I (2009): A nurse-led intensive care after-care programme – development, experiences and preliminary evaluation. Nursing in critical care 14, 5: 254-263

Knück D, Nydahl P (2010): Einführung des Intensivtagebuches: Erste Erfahrungen sind positiv (German). Pflegen Intensiv 3 (10): 36-40

Hale M, Parfitt L, Rich T. How diaries can improve the experience of intensive care patients. Nurs Manag (Harrow). 2010 Dec;17(8):14-8.

Backman C, Jones C (2010). Implementing a diary programme on your ICU. ICU Management 11 (3): 10-16

Thomas J, Bell E. Lost days--diaries for military intensive care patients. J R Nav Med Serv. 2011;97(1):11-5.

Phillips C (2011). Use of patient diaries in critical care. Nursing Standard. 26, 11, 35-43.

Ansorge, A. (2011). Intensivtagebuch für Frühgeborene (German). Kinderkrankenschwester 12250 (30): 1-8

Arlt, Y. (2011). Das Frühchentagebuch (German). Intensiv 19(5):249–253

Bäckman C, Jones C (2011). Implementing a diary programme in your ICU. ICU management 11(3): 10-16.

Deacon KS. What Happened to Me in the ICU? The Patient's Perspective Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2012;28:114-122

Engström Å, Nyström N, Sundelin G, Rattray J. People’s experiences of being mechanically ventilated in an ICU: A qualitative study. Intensive Crit Care Nurs (2012),

Parker AM, Sricharoenchai T, Needham DM. Early Rehabilitation in the Intensive Care Unit: Preventing Impairment of Physical and Mental Health. Curr Phys Med Rehabil Rep, 2013, DOI 10.1007/s40141-013-0027-9.

Mehlhorn J, Freytag A, Schmidt K, Brunkhorst FM, Graf J, Troitzsch U, Schlattmann P, Wensing M, Gensichen J. Rehabilitation Interventions for Postintensive Care Syndrome: A Systematic Review. Crit Care Med. 2014 Jan 9. [Epub ahead of print]

Jones C, Bäckman C, Egerod I, Gibb P, Nydahl P, Storli S. Report on Third International Intensive Aftercare Conference in Norrköping, Sweden. Nurs Crit Care. 2014 Jul 15. doi: 10.1111/nicc.12108.

Ullman A, Aitken L. The use of diaries to promote recovery after critical illness. Qld Nurse. 2014 Oct;33(5):26.

Martin, Judy J. ICU Diary: The Gift of Care™.American Nurse Today;9(10). 11

Haines KJ, Denehy L, Skinner EH, Warrillow S, Berney S. Psychosocial Outcomes in Informal Caregivers of the Critically Ill: A Systematic Review. Crit Care Med. 2015 Feb 4

Parker AM, Sricharoenchai T, Raparla S, Schneck KW, Bienvenu OJ, Needham DM. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Critical Illness Survivors: A Metaanalysis. Crit Care Med. 2015 Feb 4.

Karnatovskaia LV, Gajic O, Bienvenu OJ, Stevenson JE, Needham DM. A holistic approach to the critically ill and Maslow's hierarchy. J Crit Care. 2015 Feb;30(1):210-1.

Svenningsen H, Langhorn L, Ågård AS, Dreyer P. Post-ICU symptoms, consequences, and follow-up: an integrative review. Nurs Crit Care. 2015 Feb 17. doi: 10.1111/nicc.12165.

Forsberg A, Engström A, Söderberg S. From reaching the end of the road to a new lighter life - people's experiences of undergoing gastric bypass surgery. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2014 Apr;30(2):93-100.

Warlan H, Howland L. (2015). Posttraumatic stress syndrome associated with stays in the intensive care unit: importance of nurses' involvement. Crit Care Nurse. 35(3):44-52.

Wintermann G-B, Brunkhorst FM, Petrowski K, Strauss B, Oehmichen F, Pohl M, Rosendahl J (2015). Stress Disorders Following Prolonged Critical Illness in Survivors of Severe Sepsis. Critical Care Medicine.

Egerod I, Bergboom I, Lindahl B, Lindahl B, Henricson M, Granberg-Axell A, Storli SL (2015). The patient experience of intensive care: A meta-synthesis of Nordic studies. Int. J. Nurs. Stud. (2015),

Clancy O, Edginton T, Casarin A, Vizcaychipi MP (2015). The psychological and neurocognitive consequences of critical illness. ournal of the Intensive Care Society 16(3): 226-233

Karnatovskaia LV, Johnson MM, Benzo RP, Gajic O. The spectrum of psychocognitive morbidity in the critically ill: a review of the literature and call for improvement. J Crit Care. 2015 Feb;30(1):130-7.

Heyland DK, Garland A, Bagshaw SM, Cook D, Rockwood K, Stelfox HT, Dodek P, Fowler RA, Turgeon AF, Burns K, Muscedere J, Kutsogiannis J, Albert M, Mehta S, Jiang X, Day AG. Recovery after critical illness in patients aged 80 years or older: a multi-center prospective observational cohort study. Intensive Care Med. 2015 Nov;41(11):1911-20.

Bench S, Day T, Heelas K, Hopkins P, White C, Griffiths P. Evaluating the feasibility and effectiveness of a critical care discharge information pack for patients and their families: a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open. 2015 Nov 27;5(11):e006852.

Gallop KH, Kerr CE, Nixon A, Verdian L, Barney JB, Beale RJ. A qualitative investigation of patients' and caregivers' experiences of severe sepsis*. Crit Care Med. 2015 Feb;43(2):296-307

Burry L, Cook D, Herridge M, Devlin JW, Fergusson D, Meade M, Steinberg M, Skrobik Y, Olafson K, Burns K, Dodek P, Granton J, Ferguson N, Jacka M, Tanios M, Fowler R, Reynolds S, Keenan S, Mallick R, Mehta S; SLEAP Investigators; Canadian Critical Care Trials Group. Recall of ICU Stay in Patients Managed With a Sedation Protocol or a Sedation Protocol With Daily Interruption. Crit Care Med. 2015 Oct;43(10):2180-90.

Castillo MI et al. Trait Anxiety But Not State Anxiety During Critical Illness Was Associated With Anxiety and Depression Over 6 Months After ICU. Crit Care Med. (2015)

Holm A, Dreyer P. Intensive care unit patients' experience of being conscious during endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation. Nurs Crit Care. 2015 Jul 15.

Lazaridis C. Where was I when I was in a coma? Intensive Care Med. 2015 Nov;41(11):1971-2

Netzer G, Sullivan DR. Recognizing, naming, and measuring a family intensive care unit syndrome. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2014 Mar;11(3):435-41

Warrillow S, Farley KJ, Jones D. Ten practical strategies for effective communication with relatives of ICU patients. Intensive Care Med. 2015 Dec;41(12):2173-6.

Aitken LM, Macfarlane B, Chaboyer W, Schuetz M, Joyce C, Barnett AG. Physical Function and Mental Health in Trauma Intensive Care Patients: A 2-Year Cohort Study. Crit Care Med. 2015 Dec 9.

van Beusekom I, Bakhshi-Raiez F, de Keizer NF, Dongelmans DA, van der Schaaf M. Reported burden on informal caregivers of ICU survivors: a literature review. Crit Care. 2016 Jan 21;20(1):16.

Biehl M, Kashyap R, Ahmed AH, Reriani MK, Ofoma UR, Wilson GA, Li G, Malinchoc M, Sloan JA, Gajic O. Six-month quality-of-life and functional status of acute respiratory distress syndrome survivors compared to patients at risk: a population-based study. Crit Care. 2015 Oct 2;19:356.

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Turnbull AE, Rabiee A, Davis WE, Nasser MF, Venna VR, Lolitha R, Hopkins RO, Bienvenu OJ, Robinson KA, Needham DM. Outcome Measurement in ICU Survivorship Research From 1970 to 2013: A Scoping Review of 425 Publications. Crit Care Med. 2016 Mar 17

Rabiee A, Nikayin S, Hashem MD, Huang M, Dinglas VD, Bienvenu OJ, Turnbull AE, Needham DM. Depressive Symptoms After Critical Illness: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Crit Care Med. 2016 May 5.

Norman BC, Jackson JC, Graves JA, Girard TD, Pandharipande PP, Brummel NE, Wang L, Thompson JL, Chandrasekhar R, Ely EW. Employment Outcomes After Critical Illness: An Analysis of the Bringing to Light the Risk Factors and Incidence of Neuropsychological Dysfunction in ICU Survivors Cohort. Crit Care Med. 2016 May 11

Huang M, Parker AM, Bienvenu OJ, Dinglas VD, Colantuoni E, Hopkins RO, Needham DM; National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Network. Psychiatric Symptoms in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Survivors: A 1-Year National Multicenter Study. Crit Care Med. 2016 May;44(5):954-65.

McKinley S, Fien M, Elliott R, Elliott D. Health-Related Quality of Life and Associated Factors in Intensive Care Unit Survivors 6 Months After Discharge. Am J Crit Care. 2016 Jan;25(1):52-8

Liput SA, Kane-Gill SL, Seybert AL, Smithburger PL. A Review of the Perceptions of Healthcare Providers and Family Members Toward Family Involvement in Active Adult Patient Care in the ICU. Crit Care Med. 2016 Jun;44(6):1191-7

Nikayin S, Rabiee A, Hashem MD, Huang M, Bienvenu OJ, Turnbull AE, Needham DM. Anxiety symptoms in survivors of critical illness: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2016 Nov - Dec;43:23-29

Choi J, Tate JA, Donahoe MP, Ren D, Hoffman LA, Chasens ER. Sleep in family caregivers of ICU survivors for two months post-ICU discharge. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2016 Dec;37:11-18.

Mistraletti G, Umbrello M, Mantovani ES, Moroni B, Formenti P, Spanu P, Anania S, Andrighi E, Di Carlo A, Martinetti F, Vecchi I, Palo A, Pinna C, Russo R, Francesconi S, Valdambrini F, Ferretti E, Radeschi G, Bosco E, Malacarne P, Iapichino G; Investigators.. A family information brochure and dedicated website to improve the ICU experience for patients' relatives: an Italian multicenter before-and-after study. Intensive Care Med. 2016 Nov 9.

Garrouste-Orgeas M, Vinatier I, Tabah A, Misset B, Timsit JF. Reappraisal of visiting policies and procedures of patient's family information in 188 French ICUs: a report of the Outcomerea Research Group. Ann Intensive Care. 2016 Dec;6(1):82.

Davidson JE, Aslakson RA, Long AC, Puntillo KA, Kross EK, Hart J, Cox CE, Wunsch H, Wickline MA, Nunnally ME, Netzer G, Kentish-Barnes N, Sprung CL, Hartog CS, Coombs M, Gerritsen RT, Hopkins RO, Franck LS, Skrobik Y, Kon AA, Scruth EA, Harvey MA, Lewis-Newby M, White DB, Swoboda SM, Cooke CR, Levy MM, Azoulay E, Curtis JR. Guidelines for Family-Centered Care in the Neonatal, Pediatric, and Adult ICU. Crit Care Med. 2017 Jan;45(1):103-128.

Barnato AE, Schenker Y, Tiver G, Dew MA, Arnold RM, Nunez ER, Reynolds CF 3rd. Storytelling in the Early Bereavement Period to Reduce Emotional Distress Among Surrogates Involved in a Decision to Limit Life Support in the ICU: A Pilot Feasibility Trial. Crit Care Med. 2017 Jan;45(1):35-46.

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Wintermann GB, Weidner K, Strauß B, Rosendahl J, Petrowski K. Predictors of posttraumatic stress and quality of life in family members of chronically critically ill patients after intensive care. Ann Intensive Care. 2016 Dec;6(1):69.

Rydingsward JE, Horkan CM, Mogensen KM, Quraishi SA, Amrein K, Christopher KB. Functional Status in ICU Survivors and Out of Hospital Outcomes: A Cohort Study. Crit Care Med. 2016 May;44(5):869-79.

Choi J, Donahoe MP, Hoffman LA. Psychological and Physical Health in Family Caregivers of Intensive Care Unit Survivors: Current Knowledge and Future Research Strategies. J Korean Acad Nurs. 2016 Apr;46(2):159-67

de Azevedo JRA, Montenegro WS, Rodrigues DP, de C. Souza SC, Araujo VFS, de Paula MP, et al. Long-term cognitive outcomes among unselected ventilated and non-ventilated ICU patients. Journal of Intensive Care 2017;5(1):18.

Hashem MD, Nallagangula A, Nalamalapu S, Nunna K, Nausran U, Robinson KA, Dinglas VD, Needham DM, Eakin MN. Patient outcomes after critical illness: a systematic review of qualitative studies following hospital discharge. Crit Care. 2016 Oct 26;20(1):345.

Hopkins RO, Wade D, Jackson JC. What's new in cognitive function in ICU survivors. Intensive Care Med. 2017 Feb;43(2):223-225.

Gawlytta R, Niemeyer H, Böttche M, Scherag A, Knaevelsrud C, Rosendahl J. Internet -based cognitive-behavioural writing therapy for reducing post-traumatic stress after intensive care for sepsis in patients and their spouses (REPAIR): study protocol for a randomised-controlled trial. BMJ Open. 2017 Feb 22;7(2):e014363.

Aitken LM, Rattray J, Hull AM. The creation of patient diaries as a therapeutic intervention - for whom? Nurs Crit Care. 2017 Mar;22(2):67-69

Warlan H, Howland L. Posttraumatic stress syndrome associated with stays in the intensive care unit: importance of nurses' involvement. Crit Care Nurse. 2015 Jun;35(3):44-52

Davidson JE, Stutzer K. The Ethics of Post-Intensive Care Syndrome. AACN Adv Crit Care. 2016 Apr-Jun;27(2):236-40

Francis L, Vorwaller MA, Aboumatar H, Frosch DL, Halamka J, Rozenblum R, Rubin E, Lee BS, Sugarman J, Turner K, Brown SM; Privacy, Access, and Engagement Task Force of the Libretto Consortium of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.. A Clinician's Guide to Privacy and Communication in the ICU. Crit Care Med. 2017 Mar;45(3):480-485

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